yay i've finally finished the sweets that beejuan gave me for valentines' day. there was some big downpour this afternoon. it was almost like some monsoon season raining cats and dogs and cows and sheep. today, i went out with beejuan, siuchu and jia en. we walked around esplanade because we were feeling arty farty.
i tried the banana dipped in chocolate topped with almond thing from chocz. we also looked at the arty farty furniture designs at the jendela. those were really some arty farty stuff man. we went up to the roof terrace and both jia en and siuchu did some really unglam shots. took many many photos.
jia en taught us jia yun's crazay thing. it goes, 'crazy? i was crazy once. they sent me to a home. i died there. then, the worms came. worms? i hate worms. they drive me crazy. crazy? i was crazy once. they sent me to a home. i died there. then, the worms came. worms? i hate worms. they drive me crazy. crazy? i was crazy once. they sent me to a home. i died there. then, the worms came. worms? i hate worms. they drive me crazy. crazy? i was crazy once. they sent me to a home. i died there. then, the worms came. worms? i hate worms. they drive me crazy. crazy? i was crazy once. they sent me to a home. i died there. then, the worms came. worms? i hate worms. they drive me crazy.' and so on.
jia en also had funny riddles. when is a door not a door? when it is ajar! when is a car not a car? when it turns into a parking lot! oh my goodness it's so funny!
we walked around esplanade's eating places and found the arty farty makansutra glutton's alley. but, we chose to go marina square for dinner. wanted sakae sushi at first, but later we went to changing appetites under siuchu's recommendation. hmm it was quite nice just that it was quite expensive and the strawberry oreo cheesecake was so nice but small =( we played siuchu and beejuan's 'guess the story' game.
scenario 1: a man was driving a car and listening to his radio. suddenly there was a click on the radio and the transmission stopped. then he stopped the car and got off. he shot himself. what happened?!
scenario 2: two men walked into a restaurant and ordered meatballs. one man bit into the meatball, immediately ran out of the restaurant and killed himself. what happened?!
haha the stories were so oh my eew. oh yes and then we were talking about physics. you see, tensional force is like facing examination stress. compressional forces is when someone crushes (on) you. friction is when your body brushes against the other's in close contact! magnetic attraction is when you two people fall in love at first sight. magnetic repulsion is when you see ********. electric force is when someone shocks you with some static. gravity is when you are standing beside someone of planetary mass. upthrust is when you are thrown into the sky. viscous forces is when the atmosphere forces you back down.
we walked back to esplanade after dinner. the sky was quite dark, but the lights were on, and they were so nice. we went to the roof terrace to take some night photos. the place was full of snogging couples! more importantly, we were devising plan after plan for the delivery of your present.
it was time to go home. siuchu made me go with her all the way to braddell!!! so bad =( we saw some ufos while waiting for her 851 bus. argh i burst the pimple on my back. in the end, i think siuchu delayed me by like one hour!! finally got onto my 851 after being half-eaten by the mosquitoes at the braddell bus stop.
today has been an arty farty day. i like to stand on someone's left and therefore i like to be protected. today's a good friday.
new acronyms:
omy (oh my yuck)
ome (oh my eew)
omc (oh my crap)