ok, before anything else, the caramel croissant pudding from last week:

croissants roughly torn up and arranged in the baking dish. you really don't need top-quality croissants here. in fact, it would be a waste to use those. just some cheap, or even stale, ones would do.

this is the caramel i cooked. definitely less burnt than the
last time.

whisking in the cream-milk mixture, followed by the eggs to make the custard. you can really see the frothing up of the caramel as you beat in the cream/milk. sometimes i really love working with eggs, feeling the rich velvety smoothness of the custards they produce.

soaking the croissants in the custard. usually we do this by leaving it to lie around for a good 45 minutes, but this is
nigella express: just use the back of a spoon/fork to press on the croissants to make them absorb up some custard, then immediately pop it in the oven.

a very nice caramel croissant pudding. the caramel was probably just right. no bitter taste this time. and the butter in the croissants just brings this pudding to another sublime realm. very filling too.
ok. about this week. i completely became a joke at the dip test for a vehicle. but it was my first time doing it! thank goodness i didn't walk into the pool, otherwise it'll be a level-up on my dumbness.
oreo cheesecake was indeed not bad! just that it was two days old, not receiving good, cold refrigeration, and was looking/smelling a bit, well, old.
there was a race in which i think i ran too fast and hurt my knees. then came the mother-long day and night walks in the hills of the faraway. though it was painful (because of the knees) and disgusting (think sliding down a vertical muddy slope), upon reaching the peaks of the hills there was an absolutely beautiful view of everything down below. and at the night walk, i broke a tree trunk while holding on to it. (i believe the trunk was too thin, not that i was too heavy.) i saw a firefly too!
on thursday morning i started my 24-hour guard duty. can't say it was terribly tiring. in fact, it was quite fun. i got to play rubik's cube, fight with kokchong over the radio, strut over to the canteen for snacks, listen to symphony 92.4 and identify the instruments, sit and be driven around in a tank, eat three
pop doh donuts, and play with mosquito coils as though they were sparklers. i also caught a chinese version of joey yung's 痛爱 on the radio.
and today i had an injection by weijie =/
right now, i'm baking the meringue base for a chocolate strawberry pavlova (adapted from nigella's chocolate raspberry pavlova in
forever summer), and enjoying the chocolatey smells emanating from the oven. all i have to do tomorrow is whip and dollop on the cream and top with the strawberries.
it was a gloomy day, what with the bleak skies and gently mocking rains. but it ended off quite nicely: i've got a big teddy bear now to fight any gloomy day. (haven't named her yet.)