Friday, August 31, 2007


i hadn't gotten up so early and gone to school at such an early hour in a long time. those were the ri days, when the sky was still dark by the time i reached bishan. and yes, when i reached bishan on the train that was so freezing, with mr sze sitting a door away (i had to hide the teachers' day presents), the sky was still very dark. the moon shone brightly, though.

i went super early and managed to see mr purvis in the morning yay! stupid seibu told the class to wear uniform, and so the school was very colourful today save for my class. this year i sat down to watch the teachers' day concert, unlike last year, when the heavy rains made us trapped elsewhere doing other things. i think the presents we made this year are so meaningful, like mr lee's photo!

went to mcdonald's for breakfast; i think my usual meal just got cheaper again. didn't go back to ri nor fairfield. don't know why there's no more yearning to go back and visit teachers. maybe we all just grew out of it. i was going to go home and be alone when auntie ruolin made me happy for a while when she said a few of them were coming to tiong bahru for lunch. then they didn't. so bored now.'s word of the day is 'egregious'. i learnt this word 9th march 2007 with jeffrey, from gordon's lesson.

i saw you twice today, and i still love you for everything!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

lemon pigs

spent the whole day with seibu doing cambridge application things again. it was raining again. it's all out of whack! lunch was at manhattan fish market. i think the fish and chips there is like so much nicer than at fish & co. finding the postal orders took us from killiney road all the way to lucky plaza. and they're so bloody expensive. this application is really costing a lot and there's so much at stake =( thanks to seibu, i can read chinese websites now. so i think she deserves a milo! there was adult cell group at my house in the evening. it's a christian thing.

i want to have children with you, but God will not allow. oh i saw shuxiang outside lucky plaza. even shuxiang's back, so where's joel?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007



oh no davidson's maths questions kept me awake till 2am last night. so difficult =( but i solved one of them! i've gotten a very nice cookie recipe now! i don't think there's enough time to study for prelims now.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


it rained non-stop the entire afternoon. but i like that type of rain. i call it the 'furry rain'. the afternoon sky was whiter than pale, greyer than white. i learnt how lamination works. missed the lunar eclipse =(

there was a tortoise pond at the old tiong bahru market. when i was young i would throw coins into it. the tortoises were really big!
i'm quite shocked at how fast time has passed this year. the terms just passed and passed, and now it's going to be term 4. in fact, the last day of school was over already. i didn't even know that we wouldn't have classes anymore in term 4. then again, do we really want jc to be another four- or six-year thing?

Monday, August 27, 2007


zomg the essay topics for gp prelims were so shitty, but the comprehension was quite ok. it rained suddenly. i'm so happy that i got mr lee's present done already. lunch was at pastamania, and i became maria the maid to serve five ma'ams. but i got five stamps on my pastamania card at one shot.

shopping for presents for the other teachers was so tiring. but quite fun also. we found this very interesting upward hourglass.

today i changed an entire set of cello strings all by myself for the first time in my life. the helicore D and G sound so bright, but the C sounds so apologetic. the moon tonight is almost full. and tomorrow's the lunar eclipse!

i dream of a big house. fully air-conditioned, fully carpeted. the ceilings will be very high, like that of st peter's basilica. one of the rooms will span like 100m long, and in the centre will be a harp. another room will have mathematical derivations written all over the walls. i think fermat's last theorem has already been proven. and i think infinite descent is the method.

when i listen to 煙霞, i start wishing that this is just a dream that i can wake up from. when i wake up, i'll find that we're still doing the mural, and we're still together. when i saw you at the staircase today, you looked as if you didn't believe that fermat's last theorem had been proven.

i love you for everything!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

centre codes and entry proofs

it's been a very hot day, and all the burning doesn't help =( i played a chopin nocturne for some peace, but i couldn't do the rising and falling notes; my fingers do not allow me to. come to think of it, it was quite interesting how i could consciously dream of joel. like, when i was waking up, i would tell myself to fall asleep and continue with the dream.

continue with the endless story.


just before i woke up, i dreamt of joel calling me - i got a missed call on my handphone, and it was his number! called back excitedly to ask him to call me again, so that i didn't have to pay the phone bill somehow. and so i heard his voice after like so many years. then something prevented me from picking up his second call, and he never called again. but this was all a dream.

after i woke up and went back to sleep, i dreamt that joel came back; i found him on a train and ran to him! we went out the entire day i think. went to watch movies and some batman play! the play ended with batman flying away. did lots of guy things that i can't remember clearly now. but this was all a dream.

industrial-revolutionary: a term used to describe something as very ancient. for example, using wax to seal envelopes is very industrial-revolutionary.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

victorian dream of big eyes

last night i dreamt of shooting my sister with a gun. today i got new donuts from seibu. and we spent the whole day doing the cambridge application form. i also did the tjc maths paper while watching my overdue episodes of 手足.
i think the storylines in 手足 became too absurd after a while, just like everything else.

Friday, August 24, 2007



- piano prelude -

專一至今 竟會敢 避過你的吻
伏在你身 說找到 更喜愛的人
我也居然變心 不禁要承認我

當初的我 為了你 為瞞著好友
日夜怪你 愛不夠 還驚你風流
然後到我內疚 任旁人來認購

誰都會散 怎知一拍便會散
怪我自己作反 明明我不應再揀
忠貞怎可以貪 給拋棄亦已很慣
不慣去承認自私 移情別愛太奸

遲早要散 散得清脆未算慘
我卻要忠變奸 斗膽一腳踏兩船 想上岸時又晏
無面目再解釋 自廢了承諾是否太搗蛋

當初枉我 未拍拖 曾這樣講過
外遇那些 女主角 遲早惹出禍
誰料那個是我 又能如何恨我

誰都會散 怎知一拍便會散
怪我自己作反 明明我不應再揀
忠貞怎可以貪 給拋棄亦已很慣
不慣去承認自私 移情別愛太奸

遲早都散 散得清脆未算慘
我卻要忠變奸 斗膽一腳踏兩船 想上岸時又晏
無面目再解釋 自廢了承諾是否太搗蛋

何苦再自命悽慘 你當我搗蛋
從未做過玩家 但我卻誠實認真去玩

真心相愛 未見得 為了他英俊
換掉角色 也許你 你都會包容
我到今天至懂 為情而淪落了
在背後確實有些苦衷 不可不信

boyishly sweet | sweetly boyish

this morning i got a donut from nadz, because the people who bought for her didn't know it wasn't halal. today was the last day of (proper) school, but there was nothing special happening. i think everything will disappear before people start lamenting.

recess was at the ri canteen. and omg the western stall now is so good. cheap and nice! we went into the popular bookshop and found many gift ideas for teachers' day. there was also a little cafe hidden in the bookshop. a little incongruous, i would say. it's a high-class cafe in a low-class place.

anyhow, i brought my cookies to school, and i think they were so nice. even stephanie said they were not bad. i think i'm getting better at making cookies from scratch. if only jeffrey got to try the newer recipe ones.

dinner was at ikea with beejuan, yishi, weiyang and j. ho! i shared fish and chips and meatballs with weiyang. omg the meatball sauce so nice. it's been a day of happy food. i got more of the free wrapping paper. and then piggy weiyang ate another hot dog bun.

i'm so proud that i read a complete gp essay from the ks bulletin. it was elspeth's essay.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

YY LIN & J. HO band

i've only just come out from the kitchen; i've been baking since i got home today. burnt my fingers a bit too. i passed the h3 maths test for both differential equations and plane geometry. today i took a walk at the track during recess.

went to the physics consultation to do maths papers. somehow, walking out of school with nadz and weiyang to find food after physics consultation was strangely fun.

it was raining so densely just now that i couldn't see anything outside. there used to be a time when we resented carrying the graphic calculator everywhere because it was so heavy. now, it's the most expensive thing in my bag, and a permanent fixture too. i remembered how i got my first stamp book. it was after i lost a game of monopoly.

do you know why corrections are done in green? because it's in line with the saying: to turn over a new leaf. but the sad fact is, i still love you.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

jesus. christ's

this is the 1100th entry.

the morning rain was nice. i thought we had a new gp teacher when someone new walked into our classroom, but she was just getting something. this week is a week of lasts. i shan't miss gp lessons, but i'll miss geography lessons.

mr lee showed us an inspirational video today.

spent an afternoon waiting for mr purvis to go through the cambridge application form, and doing maths and chemistry papers with yishi in the library. stayed till quite late. then i found xiangjun mugging in his classroom and i went in. omg we were comparing class photos.

it was super dark at 7:30pm; i ran down the dark staircase from level 6 to level 1.

teach children to dance in the rain.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

shiny 2006 coins

after school i found shanghui mugging graph theory in a classroom. when i went in, he told me to get out. displayed formula means 'show all bonds'!

Monday, August 20, 2007


yesterday i found out that daniel radcliffe was born on the same day as joel, not forgetting that i share my birthday with kyoya-senpai! last night joel sent me messages on msn, but i was already asleep. hope this offline communication can work for some time until we're all back in singapore.

it's been a cold, cold day. the rain today was like hail. it was so loud and intense that i was quite sure rain splash effect was so great that horton overland flow was generated quite quickly. after school i was in the library for a long while with yishi. i tried doing the rjc 2006 maths prelim paper, and stumbled at almost every question.

i was walking home from city hall, after a kfc dinner with yishi. singing happy songs along the road for the spirits to come out and play. because every minute spent here is a minute spent dying.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

coloured complexes

last night i solved my first 'evil' puzzle on websudoku using weicheng's method, while waiting for joel to be online. i took 23 minutes, which is ranked 85th percentile =( today, i found the missing wall photo on the floor while i was changing the bed sheets. it's rainy today.


看看你 谁人可比你好 好得这么恐怖
真的不知所措 连前度那伤口 也细致的问到
痛到那种程度 迟一些可会好

还提及上次恋爱 预算与我终老
仍在和她一起 也收起我的好

待我差我没有奈何 为何扮好心慰问很挂念我么
还能成为密友么 你说得真轻松讲笑也 别太过

你忏悔 无人可比我好 今天终于知道
不该知恩不报 还承认你不知 你错到一面倒
我会更加容易 拿开拐杖企好

为何又共我讲到 念挂我那拥抱
豺狼诚心祷告 难道并没企图

待我差我没有奈何 为何扮好心慰问很挂念我么
还能成为密友么 你说毕生牺牲不爱我 别拉拖


我到底可像太傻 为何扮好心慰问很挂念我么
还能成为密友么 你说得可天真不爱我 就借过

Saturday, August 18, 2007


i like this song for it's accompaniment music.


last night i happened to see photos of a wedding in chijmes on some website, then i remembered that the same long hall was where we once played brandenburg.

about a year ago i was still quite convinced that i would just end up studying in singapore, while everyone else flew to faraway places. but now i'm trying very hard to get into cambridge, and i don't even know why. the cambridge application form is exceedingly challenging to fill in.

i've stopped violin lessons.

if i can't forget you for the rest of my life, are you going to hate me forever until i die? i think, there's only one sms that i didn't reply you. i still don't know how to reply to that one.

some things that were said were just so true.

Friday, August 17, 2007

systmtc gbbrsh 2

yjod od s mre vo[jrt/ drr og upi vsm hrt oy. o yjoml pm;u yjr tohjyrpid vsm hry oy. upi ,idy yjoml tohjy/ smuesu. o hsbr djsmhjio s [orvr pg vjpvp;syr ypfsu' jp[r jr ;olrf oy/ o ermy omyp s vp,[iyrt ;sn smf yjrtr esd krggtru. ;pplomh sy ,r smhto;u/ o ;rgy/ o fp mpy lmpe og o eo;; dyo;; tr,r,nrt jpe yp frvpfr yjod vo[jrt og o ;ppl sy oy yrm urstd ;syrt/

two insinuations

it's been a gloomy day, and it rained during chemistry. i saw you walking off in the canteen, and then i saw you in the computer lab. we all got some interesting stuff from the j1 councillors. there was this bubble thing. i played with the bubble that weiyang made, from level 6 to level 1.

went with yishi and weiyang to do the chemistry test, which was quite challenging and fun. dinner was at s11. zhichao was there too, so we all ate together. we all ate 板面 because it was such a cold day.

went to popular with yishi and weiyang. then i played with this chinese riddle book and tested weiyang, who got everything correct, like totally. because he had the book in primary school.

i wanted to get shanghui the $100 spectacles voucher, but he already got his new ones done =( my own bubble thing didn't work. the gooey/gum was already dry by the time i opened it at home =(

Thursday, August 16, 2007

double-digit services

omg chocolate from england is so nice. i took boonping's raspberry cream chocolate from weiyang. although it's a little sour, it wakes me up immediately to this melty feeling.

it turned extremely gloomy after the physics lecture. you walked right past in front of me when i came out; don't know if you saw. i watched as you walked away, the distance widening more and more.

during physics tutorial i suddenly had an idea. you know the colleen colour pencils that come in boxes of 6/12/24/18/30? and every pencil is double-ended with two different colours, like vermillion and prussian blue, gold and grey, carmine and magenta, or ultramarine and deep green. i thought of producing cool-looking colour pencils that are not labelled by colours, but by wavelengths! imagine a box of colour pencils ranging from 400nm to 700nm with step size of 1nm, or even 0.1nm. applying arithmetric progression equations, that takes at least 301 pencils! but don't you think it's so cool? it could be made into a really classy product, used only by professionals. they could come in like classy-looking titanium cases that are like 50cm long, and in four tiers to contain all the pencils!

there was nice wind and cool air after the rain. i did the new maths paper for fun after school. waited so damn long at the bus stop because of seibu and the 156 that never came.

oh there was a very unusual sight today as we were walking out of school. a couple in wedding suit and gown were walking in with their photographer. a bit incongruous with the raffles buildings, but then again maybe they were cutting through the school to get to the columbarium, to take photos there.

this is what happens when clara and stephanie repeatedly call beejuan:

beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan beejuan

i must learn to make donuts.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

sonata for cello four hands

last night i dreamt that i didn't get the cambridge application form because i wrote my gp grades in the paper. mr lee was being disgusting today. he put his half-eaten sandwich under the visualizer and it magnified the ugliness of half-eaten food.

got the application form eventually. i saw shanghui and ruolin exchanging pills.

annong's recording is finally over. i hope i get some ben and jerry's. but shanghui said something quite funny. he said i could go and buy a ben, and buy a jerry, and then i would get ben and jerry's. he asked annong for a treat to fullerton's chocolate buffet. but i think we should all get a vermonster sundae.

went with annong, suhui, ruolin, dawn and michelle to visit chamber. there was some volleyball event in the sports hall.

i buried myself in the wall today. dinner was at pastamania with annong. i should buy aglio olio more often to collect the stamps. at the bookstore, annong made a very interesting point: environment-friendly products are not pocket-friendly. i learnt about how saving money is beneficial to the individual but detrimental to the global economy.

joel has left for four years as of today.

i don't understand; have i turned an angel into someone so full of hatred? even though i've been disappointed time and again, i refuse to believe seibu or xiangjun. i don't believe that you are a jerk. you know? wearing the black spectacles helps me remember you. and i want to.

たとえば 叶うなら もう一度あなたのために
歌いたい この歌を
終わらない story 絶え間ない愛しさで
tell me why 教えてよ ずっと永遠に

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

yes, absolutely

this morning i got a 包 from amanda. like i wrote on 9th july 2007, when you're out of love, you get free food.

ms law got married without telling us; she's mdm law now. i dug into kelly's bag and found out that she has lots of rubbish and scary things. the h3 test today was quite fun, but question 2 was so unsolvable. i feel like going to the LT4 group on thursday to do the permuations and combinations test.

ended up walking out of school with kelly and suhui. we went to prima deli for waffle. i got the chocolate waffle, and kelly blatantly asked the auntie to put more chocolate. i licked the paper bag too.

it rained today.

Monday, August 13, 2007

guessing games


sometimes i feel lost on some days. i got my first ever A for a gp comprehension. it was on cars. today i helped an old couple with the train service. also, amanda was using my handphone because she left hers at home; then i understand how normal heterosexual couples can be so sweet together.
joel only came back online today. i watched transamerica and i think felicity huffman is so totally cool.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

mother in pink

this is interesting; i saw sam leong at ntuc today.

got to eat munchy donuts from clara today. they're so generous with the toppings and the dark chocolate was so extremely nice. clara, beejuan, seibu, jia en and i were at vivocity for almost an entire day today.

we were looking at all sorts of swords and guns at toys'r'us! candy empire is so full of chocolates that sometimes i imagine someone diving in and out of the pool of chocolates. at 7-eleven, i saw the meiji cone-shaped strawberry chocolates that jeffrey and i ate on the way back to school after we bought donuts on the day he went for blood donation.

eventually, dinner was at carl's junior. and yes it was my first time. i don't even remember what i ate now, because the whole burger was so full of many things. i'm horrifed~ faints*

clara went to watch musical. i want to play in one (and get some money too). the rest of us went up to sit at the amphitheatre. so scary; it was threatening to rain. there was discussion after discussion about prom night, and then we went downstairs to buy bread.

but, gap had this dress shirt that looked so cool. i tried an $89 dress shirt. doesn't it sound cool? oh yes, at zara beejuan wore this high-heels and she became intimidatingly taller.

it's school tomorrow again, but i still haven't seen joel online this week =(

have you been looking at me? maybe you have noticed the faraway look in my eyes, just as there is a faraway look in his. i'm not playing bad songs. i'm playing not bad songs. at this point in time i'd like to listen to 流泪眼望流泪眼.

happy birthday, i guess.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

lost and unfound

i can't find the missing photo.


omg this is so interesting. the television ran a report on the disputes between the neighbours at my old house. something about illegal usage of public space. my grandmother appeared on television, along with many other people that i know! and they filmed the insides of so many flats. that's so cool, because everyone's b!tching about each other now.

oh yes, on the day that the reporters went snooping, i got a call from the auntie downstairs to get my grandmother to go downstairs for interview. apparently the reporters filmed her making the call, so in some way i was in the television report. (i was on the receiving end of the phonecall!)

anyway, when the auntie called my chinese name on the phone, the subtitles came out '倩文'.

oh, right now i'm wearing an old ri t-shirt and i just noticed two streaks of hardened white paint on it. guess i wore it while doing the mural. guess jeffrey left it on my t-shirt.

Friday, August 10, 2007

idée fixe

i guess i woke up today after all.

i'm listening to tchaikovsky's symphony no.5 again. it's been a long time since i've listened to classical music; it's been joey yung and shissou and byul for some time now. but listening to symphony no.5 brings back so many memories of playing at esplanade. perhaps the one that left the deepest impression was the one when i rushed some triplets in the first movement, and when i looked up mr sze was staring down at me and beating so hard =(

but i wouldn't mind playing again. i need to do essay on droughts now.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


last night i killed the insect eventually. it accidentally dropped into the hamster cage, so i guess it fed itself to the hamster. i remember 黄老师 treated us to kfc once, and then we went to her house to watch her wedding video.

weiyang said his friend said that if it rains on national day, someone's head will roll.

i feel really unhappy on national day. but paul's sms tickled me. the maths faculty of cambridge has given me a very satisfactory answer regarding STEP!


by Rhysenn
I sometimes wonder why I even bother.

I watch you from across the room, where a few steps away seems too far to reach, as if we were on a different dimension, another wavelength altogether. Your eyes are lowered, framing you with an expression of serenity and oblivion, and I keep watching you, gazing across the distance between us that is both seen and felt.

You don't see me. You never have.

I bite my lip, lost in thought and feelings and you, looking at your slightly bowed head and imagining the colour of your eyes, pure and vivid in my mind like the whisper of your smile, transient and unforgettable.

Sometimes I think we're too different.

Other times I try to believe there's a chance.

And in between I don't know what to think at all.

I spend an inordinate amount of time like this, watching you as you look elsewhere, watching you not notice me. I find it strangely comforting, though, because I can look at you without you looking back, without having to see the composed nothingness in your eyes.

You suddenly look up, your clear eyes flickering sharply in my direction before I can flinch away, and I don't. You look straight at me, an expression of knowing and understanding in your eyes and I hold my breath, waiting...

The fleeting emotion dissolves as quickly as it had flared, shuttering up within the depths of your eyes, unreadable, lost. The familiar aloofness returns.

And I ask myself why I even bother, when you're there and I'm here and between us lies a chasm of uncertain chances bridged by nothing except the thought of you and my fear to let go.

Deep inside I know no answer.

Maybe someday we'll meet each other's gaze and not look away. If you take a step forward I won't move back.

But now all I feel is a shiver running up my spine as your eyes cross mine, before the space of a heartbeat rushes by like a thundering breath and you turn away, everything else fluttering back into place in the wake of your lingering gaze.


midnight trysts

i'm trying to kill that insect that is upside down on my ceiling by throwing paper balls at it. i've also already tried paper pellets, but my aiming is just so bad.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


oh no joel is not online at all. last night i dreamt of a hijacked plane. there was a button-looking bomb. there was also a very quiet room. went out today to the dentist to check my wisdom teeth. working people do use tissue paper packets to reserve seats in the foodcourt.

today i got to see an x-ray of my teeth. the entire set. and they're so cute; it's really interesting to look at the teeth and their roots. they bend so cutely!

i think, maybe some things are just for fantasy. it seems, parallel lines never meet after all.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

confusion confucian

c'est la vie. on a friday timetable day, dawn will fall sick. during physics lesson three people asked mr sze the exact same question. how come the parallel lines will meet eventually? i practised minami for a while in the music room, and then i saw you on level 3.

sat in mr tham's chemistry remedial class and completed the maths mock paper 1 in 2.5 hours. walked around the school with toffa and dawn to look at the celebration stuff, but there was no food yet. instead i saw more of you.

amanda made my day. she introduced me to dipping biscuits in la vache qui rit cheese. later i was getting all the free food with seibu and friends. somehow today it hurt much more seeing you everywhere, and you just look away and walk past.

we all watched the sunset, amidst the nice clouds and sky. do people cry when watching the sunset? do people cry when singing home?

Monday, August 06, 2007


i think the slapping game that weiyang introduced me is so interesting.

it's been a day of carrying donuts. ms law wasn't in school and we all think/are convinced it's to do with the nuptials. i hope shanghui loved the donut! i think stephanie must be very happy with her eighteen. stayed back in school and completed the entire tutorial and correlation and regression.

i ate six donuts altogether today. oh kelly said shanghui ate it and was happy (because it was free food). he told me it was not bad, but then was was my banana cake only 'ok la'?

back to weiyang's slapping game. i think it's so cool; it represents the ultimate female combat. when one is in pain, the other just won't care. and why should they? it's also very funny when the screen says 'the womanly battle begins'.

i think it is too cruel to demand that i forget you.
you know - one loves the sunset, when one is so sad...
'were you so sad, then?' i asked, "on the day of the forty-four sunsets?'
but the little prince made no reply.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

tell me

this morning i read on the papers that the horseshoe building at outram is going to be torn down. that's so sad; i always thought that the building looked cute. the donut queue at raffles city has become much shorter, and there are some new flavours; they finally kicked out wasabi cheese.

joel's online! oh no i'm like whiling away my afternoon (and his night) talking about harry potter, addresses, carnegie, mr sze, syf photo, chamber, emails, work, cantonese, 勞斯.萊斯 and 男孩像你!

nothing is going to make me sad today.

Saturday, August 04, 2007


yay i played jigsaw too with xiangjun online last night. today was the scholarship day thing. eh so fun i saw joyce at the URA booth! saw shanghui everywhere too. i'm quite sure i want to get the teaching scholarship and fly to cambridge to study, so imma do everything to get them. today i was broke and so i had aglio olio at pastamania, and it was nice. i think i shall always buy aglio olio to accumulate stamps, and then get the most expensive pasta for the free item.

i can't believe i boarded a train that had no air-con.

Friday, August 03, 2007


the banana cake was so nice, if i say so myself (and if everyone says so too)! omg so funny auntie ruolin was apprehensive about eating it because she feared dying after eating it. but then we started listing out all the people she would meet in heaven if she died eating my banana cake. annong said it was nice! dumbdumb shanghui had his own banana cake in the morning too, but i bet mine was better than his. the class people said it was nice. so yes, it was nice.

i spent less than five minutes doing eight marks worth of the maths mock paper. well done! and then i spent about one to two hours after school doing organic chem in the mini canteen with yishi, weiyang and yihui. stayed in school until 6:30 to finish maths revision exercise on statistics.

i had a free dinner at pastamania yay, and waited so long to get some binding done. but right now everything's perfect. and i'm surprised that the photos turned out so pretty.

i think the cake would have gone to the bin. either you or i would have dumped it anyway. in any case, better you than me. at least i tried.
that's my table. i think such photos are excellent for those games where players have to spot certain items. like, spot the bible on the table!

Thursday, August 02, 2007


i've completed sixteen drawings. it has truly been a journey of tears. but we won't cry anymore.

last night i dreamt of horse-drawn carriages and silver necklaces. did physics practical with yishi today. it's fun to be at the other side of the classroom for once. on the way home i smelled some paint, like the paint used at the mural. and then i remembered everything about painting the mural.

all the longing and waiting.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

accessible, affordable, available

this morning zhichao said there was an owl flying somewhere. i didn't get to see. mr lee lied to us and said he was leaving. (i believed him.)

during lunch break we were all seated around the table talking about deaths. i think, the scariest and nicest death is to simply die away in one's sleep. scary because you woldn't even know if you woke up again, but nice because it's so peaceful - the way everyone should die.

had practice for annong's thing in the afternoon. i'm so impressed by shanghui's counting, and zenn's loudness.

went to delifrance with ruolin and annong because the pigs wanted to eat. and i can't believe that i ate so much within such a short time interval. can't believe the waitress wanted to see our ezlink cards for proof of student status; can't believe she laughed at my photo in front of me. that's an interesting waitress, because no one has ever done it.

they had nice chocolate sauce with the dessert. and i was so full at 4pm. went home to sleep and skipped dinner. i think 7up should be given a chinese name. it's called 七上八下. i've got passwords that are now fifteen characters long.

is it possible to be best friends and remain platonic forever?
