Monday, August 06, 2007


i think the slapping game that weiyang introduced me is so interesting.

it's been a day of carrying donuts. ms law wasn't in school and we all think/are convinced it's to do with the nuptials. i hope shanghui loved the donut! i think stephanie must be very happy with her eighteen. stayed back in school and completed the entire tutorial and correlation and regression.

i ate six donuts altogether today. oh kelly said shanghui ate it and was happy (because it was free food). he told me it was not bad, but then was was my banana cake only 'ok la'?

back to weiyang's slapping game. i think it's so cool; it represents the ultimate female combat. when one is in pain, the other just won't care. and why should they? it's also very funny when the screen says 'the womanly battle begins'.

i think it is too cruel to demand that i forget you.
you know - one loves the sunset, when one is so sad...
'were you so sad, then?' i asked, "on the day of the forty-four sunsets?'
but the little prince made no reply.


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