rushing for lost time
i tried nigella's essential white loaf again, this time using the potato water that i stored.

the dough was not very sticky, just holding firmly onto itself. maybe it's the good waitrose flour i'm using. i put it into the refrigerator overnight, and an air bubble rose through the dough.

after the yada-yada-rising-punching-shaping, i got a dough that was surprisingly very easy to score. the surface never dragged along with the blade, but just split apart willlingly.

i love the way the loaf turned out. the crust was even better than the sourdough ones; it's so crackly. maybe it's the effect of the potato water. and the inside was very soft too.
weijie came over and we made the lemon-syrup loaf cake, which i remembered sonya telling me was nice.

lemons zested and squeezed dry. there were two components for the cake, the lemon-zested batter, and the lemon juice syrup. (the cake batter was very lickable.)
pouring the syrup onto the baked cake, letting it seep through the poked holes to drench the cake.
makes eight to ten slices, but feeds one of me.
two nights ago i saw the moon; it was a faint sliver of a crescent. so thin, so sharp. i started eating the chocolate crunches that seibu bought from disneyland, but my ghirardellis melted slightly in my cupboard, and then my world crumbled apart slightly. practised braiding blu-tac like challah dough.
i'm feeling so undecisive now. i want to watch the fireworks, but i still have to make egg tarts for tomorrow. and sieve icing sugar in the process.
weijie came over and we made the lemon-syrup loaf cake, which i remembered sonya telling me was nice.
two nights ago i saw the moon; it was a faint sliver of a crescent. so thin, so sharp. i started eating the chocolate crunches that seibu bought from disneyland, but my ghirardellis melted slightly in my cupboard, and then my world crumbled apart slightly. practised braiding blu-tac like challah dough.
i'm feeling so undecisive now. i want to watch the fireworks, but i still have to make egg tarts for tomorrow. and sieve icing sugar in the process.