oh yes something was brewing in the kitchen! by a twist of fate, an evening storm came up. and by a twist of fate, i could stay home to bake. oh yes my baking mojo suddenly all came back. this time it's nigella's brownie recipe. i don't know why, but baking makes me so happy that i can spin on the spot.

from basic ingredients into a complete batter. i'm so proud to say that i beat everything by hand! and it was dramatic - making a baked good amidst lightning and thunder.

into the oven and out came the brownies! i had some problem determining doneness. i wasn't using pans the same size as specified by nigella, so i couldn't be sure when to take them out. anyhow, i think the small round ones were baked, but the big square one still has a moist centre...

oh don't we all know where the last bits of batter went.
i seem to have developed split personalities. it changes with the things i wear. the smart 4, the office wear, the apron. at other times, i'm trying to find myself.
yes, sometimes, only chocolate will do. and today, this week, this year, next year, there will be a (dire) need for chocolate.
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