Thursday, April 03, 2008

circuits and biscuits

ohoh yesterday's baking was fantastic, thanks to nigella, again. ok it was butter cut-out biscuits. really easy to do too!
nigella has wrote that there's something about seeing such elemental change, that flour, butter, eggs, sugar could become this - and more, that you've brought it about - that's so satisfying. that is so extremely true.
letting the dough rest up in the refrigerator. this dough, to my surprise, was really easy to roll out and cut. (and it was so fun to stamp out the biscuits.) it was also my first time doing cut-out biscuits. if only the pie doughs i made last time were like that. on top of that, the dough was just tenacious enough to hold itself together while i transferred the pieces from the table to the baking sheet. and true to nigella's words, the dough didn't spread during baking.
this was the first batch to go into the oven. due to my lack of practice, or lack of a real teacher, i still can't roll the dough out evenly; some biscuits came out too thick and slightly undercooked.
this was the second batch, which had much more evenly rolled out dough. and i became more confident of placing the biscuits closer together on the baking sheet.
and then the last batch. by that time, i was getting too panicky about the dough becoming more and more moist. because i read in the american book that for cut-out cookies, the dough should not be re-rolled more than once, otherwise the cookies will become noticeably tougher. so you can see some of the biscuits were badly shaped haha.
oh i was so glad i used good butter for these. it was french butter. président butter; quite expensive too. and so i managed to bake all these within time limit, clean up, and rush back to camp in time yesterday (and trailing buttery scents in my languorous wake zomg). i tasted some from the first batch and they are oh-so-nice, even those too-thick, slightly undercooked ones.

and the guys at camp finished them real quickly =)
hmm, i think i'm beginning to feel like powerful, and brimming with good things. and this weekend's project will be a london cheesecake.


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