the morningth call
this is the processor-danish-pastry-turned-croissants. other writers give croissant recipes and use the same dough to make danish pastries, so i thought maybe i could use nigella's danish pastry recipe and make it into croissants.

the butter, flour and yeast are first blitzed in the food processor to break up the butter. then the liquids are added to make a sticky dough, which is wrapped and chilled over night.

this is then the hardest part: the rolling out and folding. the elastic dough kept stretching back as i rolled it out, so by the time i got it big enough, the butter was warming up to much, and the dough was turning sticky, so i folded and chilled it before rolling out again. this was done another two times, and spanned almost an hour.
but after the laborious rolling out and folding three times, everything became easier. after that, it's just dividing the dough and resting it in the refrigerator again.

and then rolling each portion became much easier on a floured surface. next, the long piece of dough is then cut into triangles. i'm still not getting the dimensions right. i know now that the base must be quite wide so that the croissant has some length.
roll each triangle into the croissant shape, brush on the egg wash, and leave to proof. i think only the top left corner one is correct, because there are enough turns to show five 'segments', while the rest only have three. and the bottom right corner one is a mish-mash of leftover scrap dough.
after 1.5 hours of proofing, the croissants are puffy and feel like marshmallow. i gave them another egg wash before sending them into the oven.

they poofed even more in the oven, and slowly the distinct rolling pattern melds into one ridged croissant.
and see the inside of the croissant. it's quite tasty, quite nice. i think until i'm brave enough to laminate, i'll continue making croissants the processor way.
jeffrey cookies, made the ice-box way. after endless sawing at the frozen dough with a small knife and breaking many slices up into shards, the right knife came along, and the slices became better.

i'm still not getting it perfect.
but after the laborious rolling out and folding three times, everything became easier. after that, it's just dividing the dough and resting it in the refrigerator again.
jeffrey cookies, made the ice-box way. after endless sawing at the frozen dough with a small knife and breaking many slices up into shards, the right knife came along, and the slices became better.
the crossaints look real fluffy in texture! hahaa and the bottom right hand corner crossaint is shapeless la! hahaa but it looks yummy anw!
get a recipe and try it too!
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