cherry pie 2
i tried the cherry pie recipe again, and i am forced to conclude that yellow dough is not only correct, but perfect. i suppose the dough in the book's photos are not as yellow because they substituted some butter with white shortening. anyhow, i still had problems with cracking dough, so i did a very rough patchwork for the base of the pie. i made a very rudimentary lattice weave, but it looked very hand-made! it baked very nicely, until the filling began to boil and flow out slightly =( only one corner did not get flow-over pie filling. i think next time i'll build a higher wall, and cut more vents. and i realised that on the day i made the pie with amanda, i used too little cinnamon and nutmeg. now the gooey stuff has a nicer colour, and a stronger taste!

yes, i think sometimes when we get frustrated with pie dough that refuses to stay in one piece when we lift them off, we should take a step back and relax. then make a patchwork base, since no one sees the bottom of the pie anyway. now i'm left with waiting for the pie to cool completely before cutting a slice and seeing how the bottom crust turns out.
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