Monday, January 16, 2006


first day of proper lessons. started with maths. i like maths! and then it was geography. video on nike. oh dear we're back on tncs. then back to a really sleepy maths lecture. student development followed. and then general paper. and bloody hell there was a diagnostic essay. and then a one hour break and finally biology. i can already visualise the masking tape over your mouth.

today has been a day of discovery. you see, i learnt that one of my classmates has something for 'marist stella dudes'. the fact that rebonding exists means that there's some hope in this world. you could be the next fleming or einstein. yea, i already had the bad hair day to start off with.

today has also been a day of meanie classmates. there was the acs guy and james. it's not that they weren't being nice. it's that they were being mean.

today has been a sad day. because once again i saw you. in the same class at that. biology class. even though the teacher was really funny, i couldn't help but keep turning around to look at you, and feeling horrible all over again. and then when the teacher took the photo of you and gerard, that closeness between the two of you hurt me.

crying on an empty train really sucks.


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