Tuesday, January 10, 2006

damage control

bad. really bad. first, i couldn't skate. and then, narpal and daniel kept trying to push me and make me fall. then, i took a mega-big fall and cut daniel's leg. =( didn't really want that to happen. and it was so depressing. i couldn't skate, and i ended up cutting someone's leg. and then i heard parker saying some mean things. so i stopped. walked out of the rink and stood by the side to watch. it doeesn't really get better when i see preetha or alex or timon or anyone skate so freely on the ice. and then they started skating in lines, holding hands or shoulders. i probably would never know how it feels like to skate like that. but at least they were happy, and not cutting anyone's leg.

so there was a keep-trying!ivan, and a don't-cut-anyone's-leg-anymore!ivan. and the don't-cut-anyone's-leg-anymore!ivan won. so i just stood by the side and watched. and watched. quite depressing to hide my sadness, though.

we went to preetha's house later. and felt a bit better. played murderer. and watched hot chick. hot chick was nice. so romantic and like so sweet. but some people don't like to agree. left late and reached home late. tomorrow's school again.

selamat hari raya


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