recently it was all about cinnamon.
whole-wheat cinnamon buns, peter reinhart.

in order to get more swirling per bun, i rolled the dough much bigger than specified. but i didn't up the filling, and so the result was not sweet enough =( but i like the icing; i used vanilla seeds in them.
chocolate cream puffs, dorie greenspan and rose levy beranbaum.

i like using beranbaum's cordon rose choux pastry, because it clears up more egg whites than yolks. and there are always whites lying around. and i like using greenspan's chocolate pastry cream because it's very no-fuss. i'm starting to enjoy using the icing set that sonya/clara/tiffany sent a few years ago.
schnecken, nigella lawson.

pecans can be so hard to find. and then the supermarket fails you further by not stocking walnuts even. so i tried macadamias. and they turned out scrumptious anyway. i lke this recipe a lot because the bread is easy to handle. it doesn't stick, and you can really roll it out big if you have patience. sprinking the cinnamon sugar over it, then rolling it up. slicing it is like a dream, and then the rest is just waiting for the puffing and the baking and the eating.
whole-wheat cinnamon buns, peter reinhart.
chocolate cream puffs, dorie greenspan and rose levy beranbaum.
schnecken, nigella lawson.
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