Monday, July 07, 2008

a trying time

again, blogging from the old house. this weekend i’m sort of baking daily, but right now i’m on a dial-up modem, so the pictures won’t come till next week, when my own broadband comes back.

whee i finally found the undomestic goddess! not easy too, ok? the catalogue search in the library said it was returned, but i couldn’t find it on the shelves. then i was about to give up when i thought i could try finding it by colour. i remembered that the book was yellow, so i scanned through all the shelves again for a yellow spine, and found it!

met with kenneth, wingtai and sengwai for dinner at lau pa sat for the singapore food festival on saturday night. well, it was my first time there. god, i hate the smell of the 臭豆腐. we queued super long to get the小笼包s, which weren’t that fantastic anyway, but nevertheless, it’s been a long time since i, and we, ate them. and the ice ball! don’t forget the ice ball!

oh, someone thinks that wingtai looks like jaejoong. *gasp*


illnesses can take on many forms. those of the body are easy to treat. much more difficult are the hidden maladies that fester in our hearts, the secret addictions that consume our souls, and the diseases we deny that affect our judgement. to survive, we need to find that special someone who can heal us, but we can never predict who will have the cure for what ails us or when they'll show up.

it’s amazing how non-living things can make their way across the globe the way we do. there’s always the box of krispy kremes that travels from australia to singapore, or the leather pig that travels from china to singapore to hong kong.

i have finally put a closure to my UCAS applications.


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