Tuesday, November 13, 2007


oh i think today's chemistry paper was so fun to do (again). poor econs people had to stay and mug for the afternoon econs paper. anyhow, went to the hong kong cafe with weiyang, seibu and beejuan. haha we played guess-the-total-cost-of-the-drinks. guess who won?

yada yada we talked so much that we had tea in the hong kong cafe, and then had lunch at crystal jade. omg the cuttlefish at crystal jade was so nice. because it was a happy chemistry paper. i think that we shouldn't turn up for chemistry paper 1 just in case bad things happen.

i went home and slept much of the afternoon away. then i mugged the second half of urban geography and watched heroes!

oh my i found bartok music for strings, percussion and celesta on youtube. so rare, and i feel like playing again?

i have a thought! so inspired today. don't know why.


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