Monday, September 10, 2007


this photo was taken at my uncle's wedding dinner. i think it was so cool, because he had this whole group of sword-bearers from his army thing to stand along the red carpet for the wedding couple to walk through under the swords. it was so grand and romantic. there's just one problem: the glasses on the table don't seem to be sparkling. and quoting bree van de kamp, people care about details.

the rain this morning/afternoon is making it so cold that i'm sitting here without the fan on. anyhow, joel is online now and playing dota. why does everyone play dota? this morning, mummy used the sexist thing against me again. 'you are a boy, don't say 'don't know' to everything.'

i'm going to sweep and mop the floor later. and then i'll study population and urban geography. economic geography is for tomorrow.


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