paraphrase 'marriage'
i went to a place where i shouldn't have been last night. and then i chickened out of the thing. slept not-so-well, and got scalded by cheese (can you believe it?) this morning.
chemistry test today was so irritating. i think during the promotional examinations i should just skip the mcqs. it's really not worth the time trying to solve them. i feel so bad for not helping amanda cut the queue during recess, then she had to queue on her own later. but i really don't like people when they cut my queue.
physics mock spa today was so crappy. the experimental set-up was so complicating i was going to cry. and then the plotting of the graph was even more confusing. but i managed to point out enough sources of error and suggestions for improvement. and because the experiment involved marbles, it was very funny when mr sze asked us at the end of the lesson to 'check if you still have two marbles'.
there was a teacher who entered the lift, and then the lift refused to move anymore, so james had to come out of the lift so that everyone else could use it haha. evaluation of material has been submitted, and i'm so relieved that it's over. now it's just the written report left.
h3 maths today was quite easy. and lianghan bullied me =( shanghui said 'too bad.' shanghui's mum bought dinner and it's such a nice gesture. syo rehearsal today was quite boring. i don't like weber, but i like glazunov!
why do you keep walking past me this week? i don't want it anymore. i hate you. i was on the train home today when i realised that i don't know how to do anything but play 'puzzle'. i can't be super smart like clara in chemistry, geography and maths, like tiffany in physics, like james in gp, or like shanghui in h3 maths. i can only play 'puzzle' and try to beat my high scores.
i wish everything was normal, but i don't want to pretend that nothing ever happened. and i don't think you have to pa-ra-phrase something like 'marriage'.
chemistry test today was so irritating. i think during the promotional examinations i should just skip the mcqs. it's really not worth the time trying to solve them. i feel so bad for not helping amanda cut the queue during recess, then she had to queue on her own later. but i really don't like people when they cut my queue.
physics mock spa today was so crappy. the experimental set-up was so complicating i was going to cry. and then the plotting of the graph was even more confusing. but i managed to point out enough sources of error and suggestions for improvement. and because the experiment involved marbles, it was very funny when mr sze asked us at the end of the lesson to 'check if you still have two marbles'.
there was a teacher who entered the lift, and then the lift refused to move anymore, so james had to come out of the lift so that everyone else could use it haha. evaluation of material has been submitted, and i'm so relieved that it's over. now it's just the written report left.
h3 maths today was quite easy. and lianghan bullied me =( shanghui said 'too bad.' shanghui's mum bought dinner and it's such a nice gesture. syo rehearsal today was quite boring. i don't like weber, but i like glazunov!
why do you keep walking past me this week? i don't want it anymore. i hate you. i was on the train home today when i realised that i don't know how to do anything but play 'puzzle'. i can't be super smart like clara in chemistry, geography and maths, like tiffany in physics, like james in gp, or like shanghui in h3 maths. i can only play 'puzzle' and try to beat my high scores.
i wish everything was normal, but i don't want to pretend that nothing ever happened. and i don't think you have to pa-ra-phrase something like 'marriage'.
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