Tuesday, June 27, 2006


oh my goodness chemistry paper today was terrible! i spent thirty minutes on fifteen mcqs, and was rushing the last question in ten minutes! argh it's so pissing, i didn't complete it, and i still got it wrong.

beejuan did something very funny today. she locked her key into her locker.

there was a three-hour break before geography paper. i was trying to study human geography, but failed terribly! omg clara is so scary. she's like the machine that keeps churning out statistics and data. she could quote the geography notes on the 1906 san francisco earthquake, where 'fires raged through the city because water lines were broken'.

the geography paper was seemingly easy and straightforward. i don't know whether to be happy or not after the paper, though. i wrote as much as i could already, but i'm not sure if it was enough. besides, i got a one-mark question wrong.

i've got things to be happy about today. i had a civilised chat with shanghui at the laksa stall queue, without me ending up pissed. we were talking about the first four mcqs in chemistry test. i also helped a blind lady onto a train. i feel nice, like a good citizen.

i had the chocolate banana cake from secret recipe today.


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