Friday, September 23, 2005

careers forum

big event today was careers forum. went for the architecture, theatre, law and advertising one. must say that i was very impressed by the prospects of becoming a lawyer. what 12 month bonus. argh but a lawyer must be very good in english.

the lawyer wasn't really what i thought a lawyer would be like. he wasn't so serious, like all lawyers are in the court.

maybe i'll just go teaching.


Blogger Yak said...

most lawyers do not go to court. they more often work as advisors on law for businesses. However, it is those laywers who go to court who get the best $$$. But no matter what, lawyers dun earn less than $5000. btw i've heard tt law is very sian, most likely you'd be selling your soul for money and not for interest(which sane person in the world would have a burning passion for memorising law books?). Follow your heart. -yaxy2k

9/23/2005 10:59 PM  

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