temperature's climbing
woke up and baked the mud cake for home for christmas. the cherry pie for class will be done tomorrow. anyhow, i think the mud cake is well done this time, but damn i didn't centralise it on the cake board, and i can't push it anymore.
i had four egg whites left over from making the pastry cream for the banana cream pie, so i whipped it into a meringue, and tried making a baked alaska without the cake base; i substituted the cake base for more meringue. so cool, the ice cream only melted a bit! but i think there was overkill of meringue; i got sick of eating it.
so, i'll put photos of the mud cake only after i complete frosting it. for now, photos of the baked alaska!
meringue! recipe from the american book. this is meringue whipped to stiff peaks.
since i didn't bake the vanilla sponge cake base, i used some of the meringue as the base, and put the ice cream on top.
covered completely with meringue. do you know how it works? it's very cool! the meringue acts as a good insulator to prevent heat from reaching the ice cream in the short time it takes to bake the meringue. so the outside is hot while the inside remains cold.
and the baked alaska is complete! i like the parts of the meringue which were browned; they were just crispy and nice, but the unbaked parts were too eggy, and made me quite sick of it.
opposite to shanghui 哦!
i had four egg whites left over from making the pastry cream for the banana cream pie, so i whipped it into a meringue, and tried making a baked alaska without the cake base; i substituted the cake base for more meringue. so cool, the ice cream only melted a bit! but i think there was overkill of meringue; i got sick of eating it.
so, i'll put photos of the mud cake only after i complete frosting it. for now, photos of the baked alaska!
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