this is a translation from seibu's blog. mummy once said that good-looking boys cannot be trusted; there's no such thing as a kind-hearted and good-looking boy in this world anymore. so, i must have met an angel. but angels cannot understand our kind of love. chocolates and donuts make up their overly-sweet world. it doesn't matter who bought them or how much they cost, because they cannot see beyond chocolates and donuts; they simply do not see any intention. they are unable to detect any form of love that is hidden in intentions.
i got 68/70 for maths, but that never seems enough. but nowadays, nothing i do seems to be good enough for myself or anyone.
i was sitting at the tables under block B doing some art club work after school. there was a guy at another table (i think it's adriel's friend) and i watched as he solved a rubik's cube. that was quite cool, because i never actually got to solving one even though i was looking at the instructions on the net.
i don't know, i just felt a little emotionally tired today. the day sure started out fine, but something just happened and things changed. maybe i just tried too hard again. i went for commodity shopping with elspeth at giordano. she was trying to buy clothes for the silk screen printing. we chose a gaudy pink for gordie and white for jeffrey. it was a one for $9, four for $5 each offer.
the moon tonight was very round. but it was a glaring white colour. i like the soft yellowish ones more. bumped into mr gwee on my way home again. i was still in improper uniform again, but this time i had pocky sticks in my mouth and was unable to converse. so i was only able to wave and make some unintelligible noises and walk on. i took photos of the moon as jeffrey said i should.
strong winds and clichéd excuses.
right now i just want to be a kid again, when i understood no love. but then again, who am i kidding? 'kids' and 'lies' are derived from the same key-presses on the handphone. buy a happy meal?
i don't want to look into your eyes anymore. you can't see my feelings for you anyway. or rather, i will continue to try to look into your eyes until one day you suddenly realise that i've been looking at you the very same way we first met.
donuts make me happy. you?
i got 68/70 for maths, but that never seems enough. but nowadays, nothing i do seems to be good enough for myself or anyone.
i was sitting at the tables under block B doing some art club work after school. there was a guy at another table (i think it's adriel's friend) and i watched as he solved a rubik's cube. that was quite cool, because i never actually got to solving one even though i was looking at the instructions on the net.
i don't know, i just felt a little emotionally tired today. the day sure started out fine, but something just happened and things changed. maybe i just tried too hard again. i went for commodity shopping with elspeth at giordano. she was trying to buy clothes for the silk screen printing. we chose a gaudy pink for gordie and white for jeffrey. it was a one for $9, four for $5 each offer.
the moon tonight was very round. but it was a glaring white colour. i like the soft yellowish ones more. bumped into mr gwee on my way home again. i was still in improper uniform again, but this time i had pocky sticks in my mouth and was unable to converse. so i was only able to wave and make some unintelligible noises and walk on. i took photos of the moon as jeffrey said i should.
strong winds and clichéd excuses.
right now i just want to be a kid again, when i understood no love. but then again, who am i kidding? 'kids' and 'lies' are derived from the same key-presses on the handphone. buy a happy meal?
i don't want to look into your eyes anymore. you can't see my feelings for you anyway. or rather, i will continue to try to look into your eyes until one day you suddenly realise that i've been looking at you the very same way we first met.
donuts make me happy. you?
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