Monday, March 19, 2007


it was rainy in the morning. thank goodness i made it to shelter in time. i was watching the rain come and go. it was weird. the rain seemed to come for a few seconds, and then suddenly stop. but elsewhere, like five metres away, it was still pouring. then the rain would disappear altogether, and i could hear it moving away. then, it would come again, as though rainclouds were being blown over the area.

i stood under shelter and waited forever.

the school library opened at 8am, and i studied urban geography all at one shot for three hours. karmun was at the next table studying for economics. oh poor economics people. i wandered around to the music room and saw annong, shirong, wendy and ruolin. all mugging for economics.

studied everything i could study for geography. but i got so tired all of a sudden.

i helped an uncle on the train today. he said he had a stroke recently and needed a seat, so i got him one. but the way he asked me to help him was so intimidating.

octopi in the air. did you catch one?


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