Wednesday, January 10, 2007


i missed you last night.

when you can't do anything, you can only watch. i was sitting amongst some of the j1s today. they were all eagerly practising for their chamber auditions. they really shouldn't have had to try so hard.

cca fest was boring. there was nothing i could do for art club, so i went to the lecture theatre to watch the performances. by the jazz club performance, the audience was real big, but the moment they ended and chamber was going up, more than half of the people left.

i've gotten back eason chan's signature from ruolin! his message was for me to 'enjoy life'. i think art people are weird. went to secret recipe for cakes with beejuan and siuchu. i chose one that looked nice, but didn't taste so fantastic like i expected it to.

sometimes, we are all so utterly convinced we are right. and when someone doubts us, we find all sorts of better reasons to convince ourselves again. but that's how facts are created, isn't it? i talk to my imaginary friend when necessary. he wouldn't die in an accident; i wouldn't let him die.

so, what's the question now? did i really want to go? or do i really want to go back?

don't BA me now, you SOB/CLB.

if i could, would i tell them what lies ahead? would i warn them of the sorrow and betrayal that lie in store? no. from where i stand now, i see enough of the road to understand how it must be travelled. the trick is to keep moving forward, to let go of the fear and the regret that slow us down and keep us from enjoying that journey that would be over too soon. yes, there will be unexpected things in the road, shocking surprises we didn't see coming. but that's really the point, don't you think?


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