Monday, September 11, 2006


i dreamt of you last night. at first you were standing over me, as though it was a glass ceiling above me. and the next moment you were walking beside me. i could barely wake up today. my alarm clocked rang from 6am to 6.20am.

sonya told me what moobs were a few days ago. i shan't tell you, but if you know what moobs are, here's a little something! toffa told us that there are two kinds of moobs: the square ones and the nasi lemak moobs.

eew gp essay test today. i did the question on science, and i think the exact same question came out for common test 2 at ri last year. i did that question last year. couldn't remember the name of the hurricane (other than katrina) that hit america last year.

yishi's perfume is supposed to be seductive. i like the smell, it's like something i've smelled somewhere before. hmm i shall try to go get back that memory. i'm just afraid it wouldn't come back.

i unwittingly walked past your classroom after school. that would mean that i've found one more time-slot and location where i can hide at one corner to look at you. then again, it's already term 4, and there's no monday timetable next week. and then i don't know if you'll ever be there again.

there were two electric-shock contacts today.


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