Wednesday, November 02, 2005

reach out for the stars

hmm that song just popped up in my head.

today was deepavali and hari raya celebrations. so... happy deepavali and selamat hari raya!

some maths revision?
∩ = intersect!
∪ = union!
⊆ = subset!

for example:
rjc = E.
ri ∪ rjc = boys and girls.
ri ∩ rjc = boys. in fact, ri ⊆ rjc,
and therefore rjc ∩ ri' = girls.
represent the above information in the form of a venn diagram.

for this holiday, i'll try to live as meaningfully as possible. hmm... will start with writing down in my book the meaningful things that i do each day. kind of makes you live with some purpose. i think i'll go and look for work, and i'll also go to an old folks' home to help. haven't really done those before. since there's no homework this holiday (yay!), might as well do something meaningful. YEA!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yucks how can you steal my set text

11/03/2005 1:39 AM  

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