Thursday, November 24, 2005


can you still remember the cartoon movie with the character nemo? not 'finding nemo'. there was a movie with a boy named nemo who woke up in a dream, and woke up, and woke up, and woke up, and woke up again in a dream. i had some dream last night, and i woke up, but it was still a dream. and i woke up again, still in a dream, and the third time i woke up, it was still a dream. then the fourth time it happened again i was really awake. it was so real.

finally put up the photos on my wall!

in the dawn of morning there lay the poor little one, with pale cheeks and smiling mouth, leaning against the wall; she had been frozen to death on the last evening of the year; and the new year’s sun rose and shone upon a little corpse! the child still sat, in the stiffness of death, holding the matches in her hand, one bundle of which was burnt. “she tried to warm herself,” said some. no one imagined what beautiful things she had seen, nor into what glory she had entered with her grandmother, on new year’s day.


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